
twinkling stars


An Immersive Activism School on

Post-Capitalism and ReFi.

twinkling stars
Stars in the Universe

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Episode 1: A Journey Into the Commons

The Galatic Federation has identified that the Human species is currently a threat to life in the Universe but also that Humans have an advanced skill in coordination that goes beyond their species.

Episode 2: The Value of Well-being

Understanding that value is not equal to price is a first step into acknowledging that the mercantilist way of thinking cannot lead us to live in a free, fair, and alive society.

Episode 3: What Are the Commons?

David explains to Kin how are the commons conceived gives some examples and shares both the purpose of them, as well as our rights and obligations in them.

Stars in the Universe

Episode 4: Property and the Nidiaci Garden

Kin is curious about the urban commons. David explains the place that the Nidiaci Garden takes in the life of Florentin's neighbors.

Episode 5: History of an Urban Commons

David explains the interesting story behind today's Nidiaci Garden to show that even an urban space owned by the city or privates can turn into a place for common benefit.

Episode 6: Rethinking Property

Mainstream education has taught that public and private properties are the only ones available. Here, David touches on an alternative way of relating to things.

Stars in the Universe

Episode 7: The Triad of Commoning

David explains the value that the Triad of Commoning offers to those implementing it, and how it takes us closer to real democracy and to a fairer way of living.

Episode 8: Do the patterns of commoning constitute some form of economics?

David introduces the Patterns of Commoning that he discovered with Silke Helfrich while researching commons from all over the world.

Episode 9: The patterns in Peer Governance

David explains to Kin what is Peer Governance about and how they benefit in preventing co-optation and exploitation from the Markets and the State.

Stars in the Universe

Episode 10: Keep commons and commerce distinct

David explains to Kin why the capitalist order is predominant even when there are 300 cooperatives generating immense economic impact.

Stars in the Universe

Activism School

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the commons


Starts: TBA



Coming Soon



Coming Soon

Stars in the Universe


"That's a amazing project and wow an amazing community all together. Thank you so much for giving me a big opportunity."

"Co- Author of Free, Fair, and Alive,

David Bollier

goes galactic to teach us all about the commons."

"There IS an alternative to capitalism. And it's so much better than the suicidal economy we have now."

Stars in the Universe
Stars in the Universe


Meet the incredible people behind Urbánika.


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